Psychodynamic Transpersonal Coaching Sessions

Are you feeling stuck?

Are you ending up in same place over and over, but can’t quite understand why? 

Do you feel out of place, uncomfortable in your own skin?

Can you sense resistance, like a wall holding you back but unsure of how to move through it?

Are you experiencing a lack of flow?

Do you feel confusion around how to move forwards, a lack of confidence in your choices? 

Do you have a sense that there is more for you to live into, but unsure of how to find your path?

Work with Tanja in a personally tailored way for three months to support your personal transformation and growth. 

The sessions form a journey of weaving guidance and coaching supported by practices such as yoga and yogic wisdom, meditation, astrology and tarot in an integrated and intuitive way. 

The space offered in the sessions is one of support, emotional processing and care. As underlying patterns and conditioning are revealed foundations are laid for growth and fully integrated change. 


Why engage in Psychodynamic Transpersonal Coaching?

To find a greater alignment with your heart and your soul

Once you break through the old stories and patterns running you, you experience freedom and spaciousness

Shine light on what’s hiding in your shadow so you also excavate your hidden gifts and what brings you joy

Cultivate the courage to make better choices aligned with your heart and your soul

Feel more connected not just to yourself but also bring deeper connection into all you relationships

You are ready to call all parts of yourself home


What does Psychodynamic mean?

Psychodynamics holds the understanding that within us there are unconscious forces at play - usually formed early in life - which shape our experience and behavioural patterns. When we begin to explore the unconscious power these dynamics hold over us, we can reshape unhealthy patterns and motivations to make space for what we truly desire to live into.

… and what about Transpersonal?

This refers to the idea that we are part of something greater than ourselves and a collective experience, in parallel to our own unique one. What we act out is not only our own story but also in relationship to the greater whole beyond our personal identity. 

How about Shadow Work - what does that mean? 

The concept of the Shadow comes from psychoanalyst Carl Jung. It refers to that within us which is unconscious, the parts of ourselves which we have repressed or rejected. When we shine light on what lies in the shadows it liberates us from being run by outdated stories and the false narratives we might have about ourselves. 





The general structure is 6 sessione every other week over 3 months, however this is a flexible structure and can be tailored to what works best for you. In between sessions you will have access to email support (during regular working hours). Sessions are 50min long. The fee for the programme is £570. Please enquire for payment plans and scholarships here.